1980 to 1988 M.S. degrees were granted in the Computer
and Information Science Masters level program, which combined
studies in information systems and business. the graduate program
was concieved by and Thomas Kurtz in the late 1970's and started up in 1980. Before 1979 the CIS program
Kemeny was slated to help teach in the CIS program. However, this changed when President Carter in 1979 selected him to head the Three
Mile Island investigation.
CIS program, while innovative, failed to gain a 'critical mass'. In
1988 the program was terminated. However, the concept of Computer
and Information programs has been widely adopted, since, at many
other colleges and universities throughout the world.
the Dartmouth CIS program was ahead of its time?
College has a long history with computer science beginning in 1887 when
Harry Bates Th'79 designed an electrical punch-card
machine. In the 1960's Dartmouth pioneered the use of the time-sharing
operating system, and two professors, John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz,
developed the BASIC programming language. In 1968 a Ph.D for a dissertation
about programming language implementation was granted by the Mathematics
Department. Not until 1979 was there an undergraduate major in Computer
Science created. The Ph.D program in Computer Science was approved in